The slider is not working

If your slider widget is not working properly or you can not see it on your blog at all, you can try this:

Your blog is not public

If your blog is private, the slider widget will not be visible. The slider uses the blog feed to display posts; and when the blog is private, the feed is inactive. To make it public:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the Permissions section.
  3. Open the “Reader access” section and change it to “Public”.
  4. Save the settings.

Your blog feed is not set to full

If your blog is set to “Public” but you still can not see the slider on your blog, it may be because your blog feed is not set up correctly. To fix it:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the “Site feed” section.
  3. Open the “Allow blog feed” section and change it to “Full”.
  4. Save the settings.

You are not using correct labels

If you change the code in the slider widget to display featured posts instead of most recent posts, maybe you are not using correct labels in your posts. Labels in Blogger are case-sensitive, meaning that "Lifestyle", "lifestyle" and "LIFESTYLE" are three separate labels. To fix it:

  1. Go to Layout.
  2. Open the Slider widget.
  3. Check which label you have chosen.
  4. Save the widget.
  5. Open the post which you want to include in the slider and open the labels.
  6. Check the label spelling.
    • Example: If the post uses "Life" and the slider "life", this is causing the issue.
  7. Re-write the label in the post to match the one in the slider.
  8. Save the post.

If none of the suggested solutions worked for you and you still cannot see the slider on your blog, please contact us and we will help you.